Educational Papers

Learn more about the problems of our food system and what can be done to help
It’s Time to Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes
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Recommendations to the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
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Fixing America's Broken Food System: A National Imperative
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Food as Medicine Gains Traction with Pilot Prescription Produce
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Consumers deserve food warnings
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U.S. Crop Insurance Policy: Why modest revisions are significant
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Food Fix Comments on FDA Front-of-Package Labeling
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ROA: How federal action can make a profound difference
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Food Fix Comments on Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2025-2030
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About: Dr. Mark Hyman, The Food Fix Campaign & functional medicine
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Food Fix 101: Fixing our broken food system with policy change
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Addressing Climate-Smart Agriculture & Forestry (CSAF)
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The Food Fix: The United States is in a health crisis, and we know it
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Food is Medicine: Peer-Reviewed Research in the United States
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The truth about organic: Answering questions about the organic label
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USDA: Food insecurity, chronic disease and health among adults
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Power of the Plate: The case for ROA improving human health
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